As a parent, I’m obsessed with cultivating a love of reading in my children. It’s one of my favorite things about my parenthood journey thus far. Before becoming a parent, I read countless books and studies that have proven the many benefits of reading. I knew before having children that I wanted to instill a love of reading in them starting at birth. I take pride in seeing how well both of my children read (and write) and how they often choose to pick up a book and read on their own without being told to.
When it comes to children, the ideal time to begin sharing books with them is during infancy, even as young as six weeks old (or sooner). From early on, children should own books, be read to often and see others reading and writing. Children are rapidly learning language. They often quadruple the number of words they know between the ages of 1-2. Therefore, as parents and caregivers it’s crucial to read aloud with them often to increase their vocabulary.
Below I’ve rounded up 20 Black parents I follow on Instagram who value reading and work to instill a love of reading in their children. These parents get it and understand the importance of establishing a reading habit with their children early on. I thought some of you may be interested in following some of these people as well for inspiration, tips and Black family joy!
1. Me @hereweeread
2. @jeanellnicolereads
3. @rattlesandheels
4. @mymotherhoodmagic
5. @_colorful_stories
6. @justmeomaya
7. @imsuzettesays
8. @readlikearockstar
9. @apron_education
10. @schoolathomeandbeyond
11. @polishedplayhouse
12. @puzzlehuddle
13. @rahmarodaah
14. @thevitamindproject
15. @mayasbooknook
16. @mommyweek
17. @firstname.basis
18. @twolightsacademy
19. @arethoseyourkids
20. @mybusybeesandme
Your turn: Did this list help you discover new people to follow? Who are some of your favorite Black parents to follow on Instagram who value the importance of reading with their children? Feel free to share in the comments as I’m always looking for new like-minded people to connect with.

Thanks for this post! I’m always looking to connect with other Black Book lovers. I follow @littleblackbooknook in addition to several of the accounts you listed.
Love following you on IG (momsncharge). Thanks for this list! My daughter is an avid reader and always has been. I’ve gotten some of her books from your recommendations 😉 She’s shared some of her faves on IG as well (livybellesews).