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Book Reviews

Food Anatomy by Julia Rothman (A Book Review)

Food Anatomy: The Curious Parts & Pieces of Our Edible World  by Julia Rothman

foodanatomyPublisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224

Get your recommended daily allowance of facts and fun with Food Anatomy, the third book in Julia Rothman’s best-selling Anatomy series. She starts with an illustrated history of food and ends with a global tour of street eats. Along the way, Rothman serves up a hilarious primer on short order egg lingo and a mouthwatering menu of how people around the planet serve fried potatoes — and what we dip them in. Award-winning food journalist Rachel Wharton lends her editorial expertise to this light-hearted exploration of everything food that bursts with little-known facts and delightful drawings. Everyday diners and seasoned foodies alike are sure to eat it up.

I’m so impressed with the Anatomy series by Julia Rothman!  I’ve read the two previous books and this third one surely didn’t disappoint – it’s so deliciously gorgeous!  Being a fellow foodie, I enjoyed this book immensely and learned so much from it.  Food is a topic that literally everyone can get behind because it’s something we all need in order to survive.  There’s something for people of all cultures in this charming international guide.

The book starts out providing readers with a brief history of food from 80,000 BCE right up to modern day. It also includes detailed illustrations of place settings from different cultures around the world: formal American, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean and Indian/Nepalese.  It’s filled with interesting nuggets of information like this of all things related to food – one of my favorite subjects.

Did you know there is a special type of fork for eating asparagus or a special spoon specifically for eating grapefruit? Or that in the Philippines people typically like to eat banana sauce on their french fries?  Do you know how to braid a challah or make tofu or chocolate?  You’ll learn the answers to these questions and so much more by reading this book.  What makes this book so scrumptious are the whimsical illustrations on every page.  They look good enough to eat!  In addition, the paper quality is top-notch and really helps to bring out the lovely hand-drawn illustrations.

It’s evident a lot of time and research went into compiling all of this information.  I think this book is well suited for adults and children alike.  It serves as a wonderful reference book and will make a lovely addition to any coffee table.  There are also several recipes included throughout the book for things like: creamy maple mocha pudding, shikanjvi (a spiced lemonade drink from India) and noodle pudding.

I believe readers will enjoy the crisp, clean perfectly imperfect lines and detailed information that has been the hallmark of Rothman’s work since the very beginning.  Not to mention all of the tidbits of information and the recipes.  It’s a true gem!  This books makes an excellent gift for readers of all ages – especially for food lovers.  Did I mention that I love this book? 🙂 I’m sure you will too.

Check out all the books in this series: The Julia Rothman Collection | Farm Anatomy | Nature Anatomy


The Julia Rothman Collection presents all three of Julia Rothman’s popular Anatomy volumes in a handsome giftable box set featuring a specially designed slipcase and 10 framable prints.

Your turn: Have you read any of the books in this series?  Feel free to share in the comments.

Book Reviews

Let’s Clap, Jump, Sing & Shout! (A Book Review)

Let’s Clap, Jump, Sing & Shout; Dance, Spin & Turn It Out!: Games, Songs, and Stories from an African American Childhood

by Patricia C. McKissack, illustrated by Brian Pinkney
Publisher: Schwartz & Wade
Age Level: 7 and up
Grade Level: Kindergarten – 12
Pages: 184
Available for Sale: January 10, 2017


Parents and grandparents will delight in sharing this exuberant book with the children in their lives. Here is a songbook, a storybook, a poetry collection, and much more, all rolled into one. Find a partner for hand claps such as “Eenie, Meenie, Sassafreeny,” or form a circle for games like “Little Sally Walker.” Gather as a family to sing well-loved songs like “Amazing Grace” and “Oh, Freedom,” or to read aloud the poetry of such African American luminaries as Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, and Paul Laurence Dunbar. And snuggle down to enjoy classic stories retold by the author, including Aesop’s fables and tales featuring Br’er Rabbit and Anansi the Spider.


Oh, the hand clapping and jump rope games in this book bring back so many memories for me.

Remember this one?

“Down, down, baby, down by the roller coaster. Sweet, sweet baby, I’ll never let you go. Shimmy, shimmy coco pop, shimmy, shimmy pow!” 

Or how about this one?

“Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack,
All dressed in black, black, black,
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons,
All down her back, back back.”

Growing up as a kid, my sister and I used to love playing hand clapping games with each other and our friends. We didn’t have all the fancy technology that’s available for kids today. We simply used our imagination and made up songs and games or we learned from other cultures and made the songs/games uniquely our own by adding different rhythms and movements.

There are also some beautiful spirituals, hymns, proverbs, psalms, fables, parables and circle games included in this book.  Some of my favorite gospel songs are featured too like: “This Little Light of Mine”, “Amazing Grace”, and “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”.  I had fun teaching my daughter some of the hand clapping games like “Miss Mary Mack” and “Shimmy Shimmy Coco Pop”.

I truly enjoyed this book…it’s a treasure that will no doubt be passed down for many generations to come in my family.  Not only is it jam packed with games, songs and stories that I can relate to, it also has some of the most beautiful swirling watercolor and ink illustrations to accompany the text.  Each game, song or story is preceded by a note from the author describing the origin/background or sharing a personal story from her childhood memories.

It’s also worth mentioning that the author of this book grew up in Kirkwood, Missouri, and Nashville, Tennessee, in the 1950s.  It’s a collection of her favorite childhood games, songs, poetry and stories that are directly linked to her African-American heritage.  That being said, if you grew up in the 1950s, in either Missouri or Tennessee you’d probably relate best to this book.  However, I’m not saying this book is specifically geared toward that audience. What I am saying is that depending on what decade you were born and where you grew up, the wording to some of the hand claps and jump rope games may vary.  For example, the words to some of the songs featured in this book are slightly different from the words we used to sing.  Keep in mind I grew up in the 1980s in the Northeast close to NYC, which is a totally different time frame and geographic location than the author.  Also, some of my favorite hand claps like: “CeCe My Playmate” weren’t included in this book.  Perhaps that’s because the author didn’t sing that one as a child or maybe it wasn’t popular in the 1950s in the area where she grew up in.

Overall, I’d highly recommend this book for every African-American household.  Even if you’re not an African-American family, I’d recommend checking this one out and using it as a reference.  I think it’s wonderful!  Also great for keeping in a school library or classroom.  Look for this one in January 2017 or pre-order a copy now!

Your turn: What are some of your favorite hand clapping games, songs or spirituals from your childhood?  Feel free to share in the comments.

Books for Adults

The Art of Blissful Parenting + A Giveaway!

BeachBoundBooks is pleased to be coordinating a Book Blast for The Art of Blissful Parenting by Sharon Ballantine. The blast will run October 24 – October 26, 2016. collages14

About the Book

artofblissfulparenting Title: The Art of Blissful Parenting | Author: Sharon Ballantine | Genre: Parenting Number of Pages: 190 | Publisher: Balboa Press | Publication Date: November 24, 2015 Book Description: What if you had the ideal relationship with your children? This book is for every parent that wants to have a powerful bond with their kids. Parents have the opportunity for newfound freedom and joy when they teach their children about their Internal Guidance System. Tools and guidance are offered in this book for exacting the art of blissful parenting by practicing alignment. It’s fun and easy to work with the Universe and a short lesson in the Law of Attraction is part of this script. Parents-live and also teach your children how to manifest what they want by thinking in a more positive way and deliberately creating their lives.

Amazon | Balboa Press | Barnes & Noble

What others are saying… “This book is filled with amazing tools for any adult who wants to sharpen the innate gifts of the children in their lives and support them in developing and following their internal guidance. Beautifully and thoughtfully written with clear practical exercises to allow you to put into practice what you have read.” – Debbie (Amazon Reviewer)
“The Art of Blissful Parenting offers readers a refreshing, out-of-the-box approach to raising happy children. Sharon offers practical tools and tips for teaching kids how to thrive by using the law of attraction and following their internal guidance system.” – (Amazon Reviewer) “This is a fascinating book for anyone who wants to raise confident, independent children. The author presents her unique ideas in a thoughtful and insightful way” – Cheryl (Amazon Reviewer)

About the Author: Sharon Ballantine

1475380012 Sharon Ballantine is a Parenting Coach and certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. She has successfully raised three children and is the author a new book “The Art of Blissful Parenting.” Sharon is the founder of “The Ballantine Parenting Institute,” her online parenting program. Ballantine is a sought after speaker, and was host to her own Internet TV Show with Conscious Evolution Media Network from 2013-2014. The platform of The Sharon Ballantine TV Show featured a conversation with passionate spiritually minded guests. Sharon also had her own column with “Parenting on Purpose.” Sharon was interviewed on TV, February 15, 2016 for her new book release, “The Art of Blissful Parenting” on KING 5 New Day Northwest, a live daytime talk show in Seattle. Ballantine has been interviewed on several radio shows including Blog Talk Radio in Los Angeles, Chat with Women radio show in Seattle and Conscious Evolution Media Internet TV in Denver. Her interview with Hay House Radio will air by summer ’16. Sharon’s website is which features weekly teaching blogs, podcasts and slideshows. You can see her educational videos on her YouTube channel, Sharon Ballantine. Sharon lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Jay.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Google+

Book Blast Giveaway

Prize: One winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card or $25 PayPal cash prize, winner’s choice.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Books for Adults

What I’m Reading (in October 2016)

I realize it’s been a while since I’ve told you guys what I’m reading.  Over the summer I was so engaged with the kids and their activities that I didn’t take as much time to read as I normally do.  Now that the kids are in school, I’m back to my normal routine of reading 2-3 books per month.  Here’s what I’m reading this month:

Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts by Susan Cain

The monumental bestseller Quiet has been recast in a new edition that empowers introverted kids and teens. Susan Cain sparked a worldwide conversation when she published Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. With her inspiring book, she permanently changed the way we see introverts and the way introverts see themselves.

The original book focused on the workplace, and Susan realized that a version for and about kids was also badly needed. This book is all about kids’ world—school, extracurriculars, family life, and friendship. You’ll read about actual kids who have tackled the challenges of not being extroverted and who have made a mark in their own quiet way. You’ll hear Susan Cain’s own story, and you’ll be able to make use of the tips at the end of each chapter. There’s even a guide at the end of the book for parents and teachers.

This insightful, accessible, and empowering book, illustrated with amusing comic-style art, will be eye-opening to extroverts and introverts alike.

I was immediately drawn to this book because not only am I more introverted, but my daughter is too.  I am in LOVE with this book you guys – it’s so insightful!  I think it’s a must read for all parents raising introverted children.  Be sure to check out Susan Cain’s Ted Talk which still stands as one of the most viewed Ted talks of all time.

Like Magic by Elaine Vickers
This sweet middle grade novel featuring a diverse cast of characters proves that friendship can be just around the corner.

For three ten-year-old girls, their once simple worlds are starting to feel too big. Painfully shy Grace dreads starting fifth grade now that her best friend has moved away. Jada hopes she’ll stop feeling so alone if she finds the mother who left years ago. And Malia fears the arrival of her new baby sister will forever change the family she loves. When the girls each find a mysterious treasure box in their library and begin to fill the box with their own precious things, they start to feel less alone. But it’s up to Grace, Jada, and Malia to take the treasures and turn them into something more: true friendship.

Your turn: What books are you currently reading?  Feel free to share in the comments.

Book Reviews

Think Happy by Karen Salmansohn (A Book Review)

Think Happy: Instant Peptalks to Boost Positivity by Karen Salmansohn
Publisher: Ten Speed Press
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 128

Happiness expert and Oprah columnist Karen Salmansohn presents a collection of 50 inspirational inner peptalks to boost your confidence, attitude, and mood. These peptalks are different than affirmations because they’re feisty, fun and memorable–and will thereby stick in your brain like a catchy song. You’ll naturally want to keep repeating them, thereby changing your neural pathways so you’re inclined to think positive thoughts, which lead to positive habits, which lead to a positively happy life!

Whether you’re feeling stressed, need motivation, are dealing with haters, or need to turn your tale of woe into a tale of wow, THINK HAPPY’s instant peptalks and whimsical illustrations will grump-proof your brain so you can move forward with optimism, resilience, and plain ol’ fabulousness.

How you think and what you think about, over time, largely creates the circumstances of your life – including the degree to which happiness, joy, love, excitement, passion and purpose will play a major role in it.

It takes a tough person to learn to think differently.  We develop patterns of thought and habitual ways of thinking over the course of a lifetime.  The good news is we can learn to think differently and view the world with new eyes. This book is the perfect example of how to change your mindset to start thinking happy thoughts and giving yourself mini peptalks.

This book embraces the power of words and encourages you to think happy thoughts. Each section provides you with 5 things to say when you’re faced with a particular situation. For example: 5 things to say when you are trying something new, 5 things to say when faced with failure, 5 things to say to motivate yourself to go for your dreams and so much more.  This collection of 50 positive pep talks will quickly become your favorite go-to tool for whenever you need a little extra support or positive affirmations.

When you use the instant peptalks in this book regularly you will begin to change your thought patterns which will lead to more optimistic thoughts and positive habits.  Which ultimately will lead to you living a happier life.  I can personally attest to that as I’ve been putting these peptalks into practice in my daily life over the past few weeks.  For example, I constantly find myself repeating the phrase “Every expert started out as a beginner” whenever I try something new.  I also like saying, “You are a fine piece of china.  Don’t let anyone treat you like a paper plate” when dealing with toxic or annoying people.

I like using these instant peptalks because they are catchy and serve as positive reminders for me to keep moving forward and pushing harder.  I have my favorite peptalks written on post-it notes in places where I can reference them often. Another great thing about these peptalks is they are great to use with children.  Here are some of my personal favorites for kids: “Practice is how you learn”, “Realize how much you’re worth…don’t give people discounts” and “Do good to feel good.”

We all know people and circumstances will occasionally break you down in life. But if you keep your mind focused, your heart open to possibility, and continue to put one foot in front of the other, you will be able to quickly recover the pieces, rebuild, and come back much stronger than you ever would have been otherwise.

Each day you wake up with a choice.  Transformation is yours to create.  Will you decide to be grateful, spontaneous, enlightened, and joyous, or will you choose to keep complaining about how terrible your life is?  Research shows the power of positive thinking cannot be underestimated.  So go and think yourself to a new level of happiness and joy.  I dare you!  Check out this book if you’re in need of some good instant peptalks or gift it to a friend or loved one.

Your turn:  I’d love your thoughts on building positivity habits.  What is your favorite way to shift your mindset when things get tough in life? Feel free to share yours in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

Book Reviews

Welcome to the Club: 100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming (A Book Review)

Welcome to the Club: 100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming by Raquel D’Apice

Publisher: Chronicle Books
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 144
Available for Sale:
September 20, 2016

From the comedian behind the popular parenting blog The Ugly Volvo comes a refreshing spin on the baby milestone book. Instead of a place to lovingly capture the first time baby sleeps through the night, this book shows what it’s like the first time baby rolls off the bed/sofa/changing table, leaving mom or dad in a state of pure terror (it happens). These 100 rarely documented but all-too-realistic milestones—such as “First Time Baby Says a Word You Didn’t Want Her to Say”—provide comfort, solidarity, and comic relief for new parents. Laugh-out-loud relatable text and distinctive paper-cut illustrations of these “bad” parenting moments make this a must-have book for anyone entering the mysterious club of parenthood.

In the introduction of the this book it says, “This is a book to let you know there will be different levels of hardships – some that you’ll handle with a smile and a good-natured eye roll, and some that will make you sob hysterically into your phone because you want your old life back.”  This couldn’t be more far from the truth.  It also states, “This is not a book designed to be read all in one sitting, because the phase of your life when you could read things all in one sitting is probably behind you.”

Oh, the joys of parenthood!  Four years ago, I became a parent for the first time when I gave birth to my daughter and then my son just 15 months after that.  Needless to say, I was in “baby mode” for two and a half years back-to-back with no breaks.  It was a constant whirlwind of breastfeeding, pumping, changing diapers, doing laundry and going to countless doctor’s appointments.  While there were many fun times mixed in, I’m glad the kids are bigger now and more independent.  Don’t get me wrong, I know there are many more fun and challenging days of parenting ahead of me, but I feel like I’ve turned a major corner in some ways so I’m enjoying it while it lasts.  Reading books like Welcome to the Club helps remind me that any parenting issue I’m going through is real and normal and it too shall pass.  It’s the parenting book I wish someone had given me along with all the other traditional ones I received. Did I mention how funny this book is?

This book is broken down into a few different sections that contain all-too-realistic parenting milestones:

The Early Days
  This section is downright hilarious and brought me back right to the first year of parenthood.  Some of the topics include: First Time Packing a Diaper Bag, First Time You Try to Install a Car Seat, First Outing with the Baby When You Forget Something Crucial and First Time You Have the Thought “What If Having a Baby Was a Mistake?”

Oops  Accidents happen, right?  This section highlights some of the funny “firsts” that can happen when you have a new baby including: First Time Your Child Rolls Off the Bed/Sofa/Changing Table and First Time You Forget to Lock the Wheels on Your Stroller

This Is Disgusting.  Please Send Reinforcements No one ever tells you about all the disgusting things that can happen when you become a parent like: Baby’s First Ungodly Poop Explosion, Baby’s First Poop Explosion When She Reaches Down and Gets It on Her Hands, First Time You Pee on Yourself and who can forget Baby’s First Poop in the Bathtub!

Interactions with Other Adults Funny topics from this section include: First Time You Have to Spell Something Out So the Baby Doesn’t Realize What You’re Talking About, First Date When You Try Desperately to Not Spend the Entire Date Talking About the Baby and First Time You Post a Photo of the Baby to Facebook and It Gets More Likes Than Anything You’ve Ever Done…so true!

Eating, Sleeping, and Other Total Disasters Remember some of these firsts? First Time Your Baby Sleeps Through the Night, First Time Your Child Refuses to Eat Something, First Time Flying with a Baby and First Time Taking Your Child to a Restaurant

Minor Panic Attacks I can definitely relate to some of these topics: First Time Leaving Your Baby with a Babysitter, First Doctor’s Visit Where the Baby Has to Get Shots, First Time You Meet a Kid Your Child’s Age Who is Way More Advanced Than Your Child and First Time You Drop Off Your Child at Day Care and Second-Guess Everything About Your Life…that was so me!

Toys, Games, and Other Vague Attempts at Recreation Here are some of my favorite topics from this section: First Time You Realize That Some Expensive Toy You Loved (and Hoped Your Daughter Would Love) Is Ignored Because She Has Fallen in Love with Some $3 Piece of Garbage, First Time You Start to Hate One of His Books and First Game of Peekaboo That Lasts for What Feels Like Forever…yes, forever!

Stolen from the Traditional Baby Book This section highlights some of baby’s traditional “firsts” in a hilarious way like: First Smile (This Isn’t Gas), First Tooth, First Time Sitting Up and First Word…both of my kids first word was “dada” – go figure when I did most of the work!

“It All Goes By So Fast!” Kids do indeed grow up so fast, but doesn’t it annoy you when people tell you to “enjoy it because it all goes by so fast?”  This section highlights this topic and others including: First Time You Bribe Your Child and First Time Your Child Refuses to Share

Stuff You Never Saw Coming The final section of this book discusses additional things you never saw coming the day you agreed to become a parent like: First Time You Realize That 90 Percent of Your Phone Memory Is Photos/Videos of Your Child, First Time You See Another Parent You Previously Would’ve Judged Harshly and You Just Feel Sorry for Them and First Time Your Child Says, “I Love You”…awww!

Being a parent can be tiring and challenging.  Over the years I’ve been pooped on, peed on and thrown up on.  Our family expenses have increased as have the laundry and the dishes.  My life seems to move a lot slower with kids (mealtimes, running errands, etc.) and sometimes my time, my body, and my brain does not feel like my own.  I’ve experienced so many of the things mentioned in this book.  And yet there are so many things that far outweigh the lack of sleep and the constant ring of crying in my ears.  This book helped me remind me that no matter how tough (and funny) the job of parenting can be, it’s worth it.  Every. Single. Second.  Gift this book to a mom-to-be to help her laugh on the days when she feels like crying during the first year of parenthood.

About the Author
Raquel D’Apice is a humor writer and founder of the popular blog The Ugly Volvo.  She lives in New Jersey with her husband and son.

Your turn: What’s your funniest parenting milestone moment?  Feel free to share in the comments.

Books for Adults

MyTaughtYou Podcast Companion Worksheets + One-On-One with Myleik Teele!

If you follow my blog or Instagram account, you’ve likely heard me mention two trailblazing women I admire the most: Oprah Winfrey and Myleik Teele.  Kerry Washington comes in a very close third place.  I don’t know about you, but I love seeing fabulous women who are making big, bold moves out in the world.  To me, these women set the example that we can all accomplish our wildest dreams and be graceful and humble while doing it. They exude class, celebrate intelligence and break down barriers – they truly walk in their purpose.

Myleik Teele, has revolutionized the way women address their curly hair needs. She is the founder of curlBOX, an exclusive monthly subscription box full of amazing products.  She also started a second business called MyTaughtYou and she offers sage advice on her wildly popular podcast.  On the podcast, Myleik shares everything from personal stories, money tips, relationship advice, hobbies that make money, business tips and so much more.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Myleik to discuss her new podcast companion worksheets.  Have you seen these gems yet?  Each worksheet is approximately 5 – 9 pages long and they cover three main topics: Maintaining Momentum, Landing  Your Dream Job and my personal favorite, The Business Approach to Dating and Relationships.

Click here to purchase Myleik’s Podcast Companion Worksheets!  Current prices range from $4.99 – $9.99!

Let me break down each of these worksheets for you and let you know how I’ve been incorporating them into my everyday life.

Maintaining Momentum
This 5-page worksheet guides you towards overcoming obstacles that have no place in your life and moving full force to the top of your game. It has definitions of what a vision board is as well as a mantra – a word or phrase that is repeated often.

Myleik then challenges you to ask yourself an honest question about how you want to feel when you achieve your goals and leaves space for you to jot down your answer. There are also instructions on how to make a vision board and additional space to write down the mantra(s) you want to recite to yourself daily. The rest of the worksheet is about taking action and brainstorming so you can begin to reset your mindset, step outside of your comfort zone and build momentum.

I think this worksheet is very well thought out and organized. I’ve used it to help me start putting some personal plans and goals into action. There is something about the power of writing things down that starts to get the universe moving in your favor.

Landing  Your Dream Job
This 7-page worksheet is a companion to the “Why You’re Not Getting the Job” podcast.  This worksheet’s intent is to creatively guide you in the right direction of landing the job of your dreams.  Myleik shares proven tips, insider secrets and tells you how to enhance your resume and cover letter with step-by-step instructions.  Researching your online presence is also discussed along with some action steps to take.  The worksheet then discusses how to creatively find your dream job and provides an action plan.

I think entrepreneurs or people looking for a new job in the workplace would benefit from using this worksheet.  I used it to help me start building my early literacy consulting business.  It helped me to start getting crystal clear on my goals and vision.

The Business Approach to Dating and Relationships
This 9-page worksheet is a companion to the “Why I Took a Business Approach to Dating and Relationships” podcast. It provides a loose strategy for approaching dating in a way that makes you feel a bit more confident.

At the top of this worksheet Myleik challenges you to be honest with yourself about your life goals and priorities. There is space provided for you to write down your thoughts. Then there is a section for you to evaluate your past experiences with regards to relationships and useful information about how to find a therapist if you feel like you’re in need of one.

Other topics include: performing a gut check, working on your personal elevator pitch and writing down exactly what you’re looking for in a relationship.

I think this worksheet is a fantastic resource for both single and married people. I used it to re-evaulate some of the goals my husband and I have for our marriage.  Myleik says once she started approaching relationships the same way she did her business things started to change for the better.  Check it out for yourself and see if things start to shift for you too!

MyTaughtYou Podcast Companion Worksheets + One-On-One with Myleik Teele!

Now for the fun part, the interview!

Q&A With Myleik!
Q: Tell me about your new Podcast Companion Worksheets and why you decided to create them.
A:  The podcast companion worksheets are sort of a physical, tangible accountability partner for people in certain areas of their lives.  We looked at our most popular podcasts and wondered how can we help people maintain momentum.

Q: Who should use these worksheets and how can people benefit from using them?
A:  I think anyone can use the worksheets.  I have found the people who enjoy the worksheets most are visual learners.  They enjoy making vision boards, setting goals and making plans.  They like being held accountable and some are still looking for mentors.  The worksheets are sort of a way to help them stay on track.

Q: What’s your most popular podcast episode that you’d recommend others listen to?
A: I have a podcast that I did about therapy.  It’s about why I went to therapy and why I still go.  Therapy is such a taboo topic to many people, but that is probably the one that’s listened to the most.

Q: What are some lessons you’ve learned in leadership?
A:  When it comes to leadership, people have to remember to use their voice and trust their decisions.  I think sometimes people don’t think they’re good enough or don’t believe their ideas are valid.  We need new opinions, we need new ways of doing things.  So I think leaders have to get really good at trusting their voice.  They also have to learn how to work with others and not be so married to their own ideas.  I always say, “I lead from the back”.  Meaning, I know I’m on a team with other people so sometimes I let others step in and fix a problem instead of always doing it myself.

Q: After all of your success, what do you struggle with now? What keeps you awake at night?
A:  To be honest with you, I feel very content in my life right now.  That is something that I worked really, really hard on because there were many things that used to keep me up at night.  I think that now I decided at the end of the day I want to have some peace.  So with the help of psychotherapy and learning how to really let things go, I have become somewhat of a black belt communicator.  I know how to communicate better than I ever have before.  When you master that I think you don’t take things so seriously.  As long as I can say that I have done my absolute best I can’t be worried about what may or may not happen.

Q: Do you have any books that you would suggest I read for pleasure?
A: I don’t do a ton of pleasure reading, but I am currently reading The Perfect Find by Tia Williams and I’m absolutely enjoying it.  I also really enjoyed 32 Candles by by Ernessa T. Carter and Me Before You by JoJo Moyes.

Q: Which 3 business/career related books do you recommend the most?
A: Every person who works for me has to read The Personal Touch by Terrie Williams and Write to the Point by Salvatore Iacone.  If I had to pick a third book I’d probably say Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi.  It’s a great networking book.

Q: What’s the most important business or other discovery you’ve made this year?
A: I think this year has been my year of contentment to be okay with where I am.  This year I’ve worked really hard to just enjoy my moments by not beating myself up.

Q: What’s unique about the MyTaughtYou products and services that you provide?
A:  The MyTaughtYou brand and products are purely based on the community.  People may not know this, but I’ve been on social media for over 7 years.  I used to chronicle my hustle on Twitter and provide tips.  I used to have people sending me money to my office as a way to say thank you for helping them.  So I decided to create MyTaughtYou as a way to give back and create useful tools in hopes that they help others.  It’s completely a labor of love.  I use the money I make from MyTaughtYou to put back into making more MyTaughtYou products.

Q: What’s next for MyTaughtYou and Curlbox in 2017 and beyond?
A:  With CurlBox, I think people will be excited to see we’re stepping things up quite a bit.  We’ll have a lot more offerings and partnerships.  For MyTaughtYou I have a few more product ideas and I’m also working on creating another journal.  I hope to have it finished before the holidays because I think that will be so great to help people start the new year.

Q: If you were to start a third business what kind of business would it be?
A: It would probably be something cooking related.  People who follow me on Snapchat know how much I love to cook.  So it might be something like a cookbook or something related to food.

Q:  Are you willing to share 1-2 things about yourself that can’t be found in your bio or on social media?
A: I’m pretty much an open book, but a lot of people may not know that I skipped the first grade.  Also me and my junior high track and field team hold a Junior Olympic Track and Field record for completing the 4 x 400m Relay in 3:45.90 seconds.

Q: I love the question you asked your friend Ken in a recent podcast so now I’m going to ask you. If you had $20 what would you spend it on?  Same question for $100.
A: If I had $20 I would get a foot massage at the massage place down the street from my house.  If I had $100 I would get the Alexa that Amazon sells.

Myleik also dropped some real gems and gave me some personal, valuable advice.  Here are some of the highlights:

Regarding time management…
“You have to use your time wisely as if your life depends on it because it does.  There’s a great amount of sacrifice that goes into working for yourself as an entrepreneur.  A lot of people want to reap the rewards of being an entrepreneur, but they don’t want to put in the time or the work.”

When deciding what to charge clients/customers for your time…
“If I know I need to make $5,000 per month in order to live comfortably, I could either have 2 clients paying me $2,500 each or 50 clients paying me $100 each.  I generally find the higher your prices are, the less customers you need.  In the past, the more cheaper clients I had, the more headaches I had.”

“You need to find the right people who are willing to pay for your time and services and work really, really hard to keep them happy.  You also need to figure out what it costs you to live on a monthly basis.  Then decide how many customers you think you can get and build it from there.  Start high and then you can negotiate.  You should also have to have a walking point to say, ‘No, I’m not going to do it for that price’ if it’s less than what you’re willing to accept.”

On consistently making money as an entrepreneur…
“If you want to consistently make money, you have to consistently hustle.  There are no guaranteed or steady paychecks like you get from working at your job.  With entrepreneurship you eat what you kill, period.  That’s the thing I love the most about being an entrepreneur.  I felt like I was a millionaire when I was 25 years old.  I know how hard I’m willing to work and do what it takes.  I will wake up at 4am for a decade if that’s what it takes.  Do the work, remove the date, and the check will come down.”

On changing your mindset…
“You really have to come to a place of understanding that your income is limitless.  You can make as much or as little as you want.  It’s up to you.  You have to get into that mindset and be willing to do what most people won’t or be okay with being micromanaged at your job.  Your job may not be as bad as you think given all of the things that come with being an entrepreneur.”

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Connect with Myleik!
Website Instagram | Twitter


Book Reviews

What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Pre and PostNatal Care

Thank you Workman Publishing, for sponsoring this post. Pick up your copy of the new fifth edition What To Expect When You’re Expecting anywhere books are sold.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was glued to pregnancy and parenting books like What to Expect When You’re Expecting.  Every week like clockwork I’d whip out my pregnancy book and follow the development of baby like a student cramming for a PHD in Obstetrics. I could tell you exactly when her fingernails formed, when her taste buds began to develop, and when she started hiccuping in the womb.  I think a first pregnancy brings out the neurosis in some women (especially me) and every stray kick, twinge or hiccup sends you flying to the bookshelf for confirmation that baby is okay.


If you’re currently expecting a baby, I’d highly recommend picking up the latest edition of What to Expect® When You’re Expecting to incorporate into your everyday life.  It is now in a brand new 5th edition with a fresh perspective, up-to-the-minute information and advice, and the same friendly, reassuring voice that has made the book a bestseller for decades. In addition to bringing Dad into the book throughout, it answers every imaginable question expecting parents could ask and offers solutions for every pregnancy and postpartum symptom.  All medical coverage is completely updated, including everything expectant moms need to know about the Zika virus. Current lifestyle trends are incorporated too: juice bars, raw diets, e-cigarettes, push presents, baby bump posting, the lowdown on omega-3 fatty acids, grass-fed and organic, health food fads, and GMOs.


I don’t know about you, but during both of my pregnancies the two most important topics for me were prenatal and postnatal care.  Of course I was concerned about that “in-between phase” of actually being pregnant during the 40 weeks, but it was also important for me to learn about different ways to take care of myself before and after once baby finally arrived.  Practicing self-care is so important both during and after pregnancy.  That was something I sometimes had to force myself to do as I was so caught up in making sure the baby was healthy.  At times, my own self-care took a back seat – this was especially true during my first pregnancy.  Now I understand the importance of pre and postnatal care and try to encourage new moms-to-be to explore these topics during their pregnancy journey.

The thing that I think sets this book apart from the rest and why it’s still going strong five editions later is the sheer level of detail. There’s advice on preparing your body for conception, early pregnancy signs, and thorough sections dedicated to each month of your pregnancy. There’s also loads of postpartum advice and a very sympathetically written chapter on how to cope when things don’t go to plan (the complicated pregnancy). It’s funny (in some places), informative, and incredibly well organized.  I think the thing I love most about this book is how it and aims to answer any question (no matter how minor or ridiculous) you might have about your pregnancy journey. With a superior index for quick referencing, I think it definitely deserves its accolade of being the world’s bestselling pregnancy manual.


Here’s a snippet of some of the prenatal and postnatal topics featured throughout:

Prenatal Testing

  • Expanded genetic screening (pp. 48–53)
  • Prenatal screening and diagnosis, including NIPTs (pp. 53–61)
  • First-trimester ultrasound (p. 170), plus 3D and 4D ultrasound (p. 322)

Staying Fit

  • Pregnancy exercises you can do anywhere, anytime (including at your desk) (p. 231)
  • Choosing the right workout for two (from barre to Pilates, Crossfit to Spinning) (pp. 235–238)

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

  • Pregnancy depression, panic attacks, and anxiety disorder (pp. 174–177)
  • Managing stress (pp. 145–149)
  • Safety of antidepressants (pp. 44–46)
  • Postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD (pp. 495–503)
  • Dad’s mood swings and depression, during pregnancy and postpartum (p. 176)

Postpartum and Beyond

  • More on postpartum symptoms and solutions (pp. 460–521)
  • Babywearing for baby blues (pp. 496–497)
  • Getting started breastfeeding (pp. 478–487)
  • Tandem breastfeeding (pp. 484–485)

As many moms will probably testify, motherhood usually does come down to mere survival. Kids get sick. Laundry becomes an endless abyss. You are functioning on a level that is simply trying to keep everyone afloat. If you’re going to make it through those times, you need to be taking care of yourself.  That includes before, during and after pregnancy.  As moms, we need to be at our best in order to make it through the worst times.

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Read this book to learn some valuable tips and gain incredible insight on pregnancy from pre-conception to delivery and everything in between. Following the advice outlined in this book may help you have more energy, more patience and more confidence in yourself as a mother.  Pick it up for yourself or gift it to a friend, daughter or niece at your next baby shower.  I think they’ll appreciate you introducing them to the most beloved and trusted pregnancy book.

To learn more about this book check out the website: What to Expect When You’re Expecting.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Your turn: Did you read this book during your pregnancy?  What are your best tips for prenatal and postnatal care?  Feel free to share in the comments.

Book Reviews

Letters to My Series…One of Oprah’s Favorite Things!

Have you heard about the adorable Letters to My… series yet?  Oprah named this book series as one of her favorite things in 2015.  If you know me you’ll know I love all things Oprah.  I’m all over anything she endorses like “white on rice” and these books are certainly no exception.

With over 750,000+ copies of these books sold since 2014, each book in this series is an absolute treasure.  These innovative books contain 12 fold-and-mail style letters.  Each letter bears a prompt to inspire self-reflection. Once written, the letters can be sealed with the stickers included and postdated. The keepsake bundle of letters is like a dozen diary entries for the future.

There are currently 9 books available in the series including:

Letters to Me, When I Grow Up (New this season!  Young Writer’s Edition – perfect for kids ages 7 – 13)
Letters to My Future Self
Letters to My Baby
Letters to My Grandchild
Letters to My Love
Letters to My Mom
Letters to My Dad
Letters to Open When
Letters to the Bride

letters to my...

Letters to Me, When I Grow Up is the kids’ version of the bestselling Letters to My Future Self.  It brings young writers a fun new way to capture their childhood. Twelve prompted letters bound into a keepsake book invite kids to share stories, draw, or make lists reflecting on what they know now, and what they imagine for their future. When they’re grown, this paper time capsule becomes a cherished—and likely hilarious—look back on who they once were and who they have become.

I think these books make absolutely wonderful gifts – and they’re affordable…yay!  They are so creative, memorable, compact (slightly larger than the size of a dollar bill) and beautifully packaged.  What a fantastic alternative to a journal for people who aren’t very good at keeping up with journaling!  These books allow you to capture and share your hopes, thoughts, goals, dreams and experiences with your loved ones or your future self.

Although the writing space is somewhat limited on each page, I think it’s just enough space to get your heartfelt messages or words of wisdom across.  Also, you’re not limited to only writing on the pages.  You can draw, make a small collage, include wallet sized photos – whatever.  Have fun and use your creativity to share your messages. Think of these books as mini paper time capsules sure to fill the recipients with joy and emotions as they read through it.  My book is currently blank, but I’m looking forward to filling the pages with my thoughts, dreams and memories.  I can just see myself now looking back at my book to reflect on the person I used to be when I wrote the letters.  It will also be fun to watch my kids flip through their books when they get older.

I created time capsules for each of my children when they turned one.  I wish I had the Letters to My Baby book back then so I could have included it in their time capsules.  Now that I know about these books they will definitely be my staple gifts for weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day and more!  They are perfect for giving your loved ones a glimpse into your heart or finding out what you wished their future or your own future.

P.S. Although you can actually mail these letters, I like the idea of keeping them all contained within the book.  I just think it makes for a nicer presentation when it’s all completed.

Check out this unique series of books and let me know what you think.  Enjoy!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, here are the writing prompts for one of the books we received:

Letters to My Future Self contains the following 12 writing prompts:

These are my roots…
Where I want to go…
All the things I’d like to try someday…
This is what I live for…
It was an extraordinary day…
I promise to myself…
There’s no place like home…
A pep talk for the future me…
This is a letter about my love…
I never want to forget this…
[Blank – write your own]
[Blank – write your own]

About the Author
Lea Redmond is a collector of curious objects and a maker of unusual experiences. She is always looking for the poem hiding inside things: a salt shaker, a clothes tag, a hand gesture, a cloud. Lea is infinitely intrigued by the way experiences can slip from the ordinary to the extraordinary and she designs things that hold this possibility. Leafcutter Designs, her creative studio in Berkeley, CA, makes the world more playful and peaceful one little experience at a time. Visit Lea’s world at

Disclaimer: I received two complimentary copies of these books in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Book Reviews

Bad Girls Throughout History by Ann Shen: A Review + Giveaway!

Bad Girls Throughout History: 100 Remarkable Women Who Changed the World by Ann Shen
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 222
Available for Sale: September 6, 2016

Synopsis (from Amazon)
Aphra Behn, first female professional writer.  Sojourner Truth, activist and abolitionist. Ada Lovelace, first computer programmer. Marie Curie, first woman to win the Nobel Prize. Joan Jett, godmother of punk. The 100 revolutionary women highlighted in this gorgeously illustrated book were bad in the best sense of the word: they challenged the status quo and changed the rules for all who followed. From pirates to artists, warriors, daredevils, scientists, activists, and spies, the accomplishments of these incredible women vary as much as the eras and places in which they effected change.

When I saw this book featured on Chronicle books Instagram page I knew I had to have it.  An entire book dedicated to 100 remarkable badass women throughout history?  Yes, please…sign me up!  I don’t know about you, but I love the fact that the author added the word “bad” in the title to describe these women.

I mean, let’s face it, history is filled with bad boys who pushed the envelope and are remembered because of it, but you seldom hear about the girls.  This book fills the void of the bad girls throughout history who defied boundaries and social conventions of their time.

As the introduction states, “This is a book about girls who had a ton of fear and personal flaws and faced insurmountable obstacles, but did amazing things anyway.”  The author also mentions this book isn’t by any means an exhaustive list nor does it provide lots of detail of their personal stories.  Instead, you’ll find short essays accompanied by the most beautiful watercolor illustrations you’ve ever seen!  The essays are meant to whet your appetite for exploring more on your own if you want to dig deeper into these women’s lives.

From scientists and artists to writers and astronauts, this book highlights some of the most badass women who ever lived on planet Earth.  Some of the featured women include:  Oprah Winfrey, Marie Curie, Elizabeth Taylor, Madonna, Amelia Earhart, Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Beatrix Potter, Rosa Parks, Josephine Baker, Lucille Ball, Judy Blume, Marie Antoinette, Joan Jett, Julia Child, Susan B. Anthony, Dolly Parton, Jane Austen, Maya Angelou, Ada Lovelace, Harriet Tubman, Queen Elizabeth I, Helen Keller, Madam C.J. Walker, Malala Yousafzai and so many more!  Granted, practically every woman surveyed about her top 100 leading ladies would differ drastically, but I think the author did a wonderful job with her selection.  There are women of all different races, backgrounds and faiths represented throughout.

The book starts off introducing Lilith, the lesser-known first wife of Adam who was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. The remaining 99 women are introduced in chronological order from the before Christ (B.C.) period to present day. The last woman featured is Malala Yousafzai who at the age of 17 became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner ever for supporting girls’ education rights.

I’m so in LOVE with this stunning book!  I took the time to read it from cover to cover over the course of two days. Not only is it visually appealing, but it’s also chock full of interesting tidbits and facts.  There are so many women I never heard of before like Maria Mitchell (1818 – 1889), the first female American astronomer, Anna May Wong (1905 – 1961), the first Asian-American movie star and Amalia Eriksson (1824 – 1923) who invented peppermint stick candies.  Who knew?


Reading this book made me realize just how grateful I am to be constantly surrounded by powerful and inspirational women in my own personal life as well as in the media.  Women like Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Marie Forleo, and Sheryl Sandberg inspire me to do my part to change the world no matter how small it may be like posting book recommendations on Instagram or blogging.  This book also made it crystal clear that powerful women have had a major impact on society since the beginning of time, they just haven’t been acknowledged as much as men have.

I believe this book does an amazing job communicating the fact that girl power is very much a force to be reckoned with. These 100 inspirations all prove that women run the world—whether they’re pirates, activists, warriors or dare I say, presidents.  You’ll definitely want to prominently display this gem at the forefront of your book shelf.  A winner!

I think this book also makes a great gift idea – pre-order one now for yourself or for one of the badass women in your squad.  You can also try your luck at the giveaway listed below.

The Giveaway!
Our friends at Chronicle Books were gracious enough to sponsor a book giveaway for one (1) lucky winner!  Yes, you can win a FREE copy of this book before it’s available for sale.  Ends, Friday, August 12, 2016.  Good luck!

Bad Girls Throughout History Book Giveaway

 About the Author
Ann Shen is an illustrator and graphic designer whose bright, colorful style has been put to work on everything from young adult book covers to fashion doll packaging designs. Her illustrations have been featured in the New York Times, BUST, Grazia, The Huffington Post, and other productions.  She lives in Los Angeles.

About Chronicle Books
Chronicle Books was founded in 1966 and is inspired by the enduring magic and importance of books.

Book Reviews

The Positivity Kit: A Book Giveaway!

The Positivity Kit by Lisa Currie
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Publisher: TarcherPerigee/Penguin Random House
Available for Sale: June 7, 2016 | Pre-Order Link

Synopsis (from Amazon)
Brimming with engaging prompts that focus on the good things in life, this interactive book is guaranteed to cheer up even the grumpiest person on the rainiest day.

Prompts include:

  • Draw your dream home.
  • Make a grateful list.
  • Compile the perfect playlist.
  • Draw yourself a tattoo (on paper!).
  • List 30 great ways to spend a free hour.
  • Write a thank you note to a stranger.
  • A smell that reminds you of someone you love
  • Something you never congratulated yourself on, but should have

On the heels of Me, You, Us and The Scribble Diary, The Positivity Kit is illustrator Lisa Currie’s most personal, and most upbeat, book yet.


Receiving this book was so timely for me since I’m currently on a mini break from posting on Instagram and decreasing my time spent on other social media platforms as well.  Sometimes I find it gets to be too much “noise” and distractions from my everyday life.  Right now, I’m practicing being more still, intentional and living in the present moment.

Think about it, how often do you actually pause and take notice of how beautiful the things you’re surrounded by everyday are?  Yesterday I took notice of how beautiful of a day it was. Not a single cloud in the sky.  I watched as the trees on the other side of the road slowly swayed back and forth in a cool Northeast breeze. I opened up the windows and took the moment of beauty in, completely understanding how often I take for granted amazing weather and a moment of stillness.  I was so happy and content in that moment.  After that I immediately opened The Positivity Kit and completed the first exercise which is to write yourself a message in the sky.  Something that would make you smile if you saw it.

Each one of the exercises in this book literally fills me with happiness instantly – honestly!  Studies have shown, just by doing something like creating anything almost instantly makes us feel better.  How cool is that?  This book is packed with jump-starter prompts and reminders of reasons the world is – even on the grayest days – a beautiful place.

I haven’t completed this entire book yet, but so far my favorite prompts are: filling a page with all the good things I’ve done in my life so far (big and little things), listing all of the places in the world I hope to visit one day, and creating my own ultimate happy song playlist.  I’m seriously having a blast filling this book up with all of my happy thoughts.  Can you see how doing these things will instantly make you feel good?  I’ve never taken the time to actually write any of these things down so to have them all in one book instead of random vision boards or scrap pieces of paper is perfect!

Thanks to the publisher TarcherPerigee/Penguin Random House, I’m hosting a giveaway for one (1) copy of The Positivity Kit!  Enter the giveaway below.  Good luck!

The Positivity Kit by Lisa Currie

Book Reviews

Let’s Play Math! by Denise Gaskins (A Book Review)

Let’s Play Math: How Families Can Learn Math Together and Enjoy It by Denise Gaskins

Format: Paperback
Pages: 290

Synopsis (from Amazon)
Yes, Your Kids CAN Learn Math Without Tears. All parents and teachers have one thing in common: we want our children to understand and be able to use math. Filled with stories and pictures, Let’s Play Math offers a wealth of practical, hands-on ideas for exploring concepts from preschool to high school. Your children will gain a strong foundation when you approach math as a family game, playing with ideas.

It amazes me how much children actually use early math skills throughout their daily routines and activities.  I never gave this much thought until I became a parent almost four years ago.  Like reading and writing, math is one of essential skills kids need to know in order to survive in this fast-paced world.  The good news is early math doesn’t mean breaking out the calculator during playtime.  Most children can develop an understanding of addition, subtraction and fractions through everyday interactions. For example:

  • My kids and I count steps as we go up or down
  • We play with shape sorters and lots of puzzles
  • We sort items based on size and color
  • The kids help me sort the laundry (Pairing up the socks is always a fun game!)
  • They help me in the kitchen: stirring, pouring, measuring
  • I often ask the kids to find items that are triangles, circles, rectangles, and other shapes in random places like the library, playground or grocery store

I know that most families have a full schedule, and it can be hard to find time to focus on math. But, rest assured your kids are being exposed to math on a daily basis. In Let’s Play Math, Denise shows you that doing math together with your children is easier and much more fun than you think.

Filled with stories and pictures, Let’s Play Math offers a wealth of practical, hands-on ideas for exploring concepts from preschool to high school.

Sections include:

  • How to Understand Math: Introduce your children to the thrill of conquering a challenge. Build deep understanding by thinking, playing, and asking questions like a mathematician.
  • Playful Problem Solving: Awaken your children’s minds to the beauty and wonder of mathematics. Discover the social side of math, and learn games for players of all ages.
  • Math with Living Books: See how mathematical ideas ebb and flow through the centuries with this brief tour through history. Can your kids solve puzzles from China, India, or Ancient Egypt?
  • Let’s Get Practical: Fit math into your family’s daily life, help your children develop mental calculation skills, and find out what to try when your child struggles.
  • Resources and References: With so many library books and Internet sites, you’ll never run out of ways to play with math.

As Denise says, “Mathematics ought to be a game of discovery.”  I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.  As much as I personally love math, I know that many kids (and parents) strongly dislike it.  This is especially true for kids who are now learning the common core standard math.  There is a section in the book that talks about the problem with traditional school math and sheds some light on ways to see and “do and see real math” in action.

Since I like to play games and solve problems, one of my favorite sections of the book is Playful Problem Solving.  Denise explains that math is a social activity so doing things like asking questions, noticing connections and wondering “What if…” goes a long way with kids.  This section of the book also offers a variety of different simple activities you can do with your children like: tell me a story, can you guess my secret, pattern blocks and hundred chart puzzles and games.

For families that have older kids who may be struggling with math, Denise offers some things to try when you feel like giving up.  There is also a section that discusses making the transition from middle school to high school math.  The basics of high school math (algebra, geometry and statistics) can be quite hard for some kids to grasp, especially for kids who never developed a love of math in their earlier years.

In the back of the book, there are a plethora of resources and references divided into different sections for preschool to early elementary, upper-elementary and middle school and teen to adult.

Overall, I think this book is great math resource for parents, caregivers and teachers.  It reinforces the fact that everyone CAN do math.  From the youngest to the oldest people.  It’s all about teaching and learning math in a way that’s fun to excite kids and adults into LOVING math.  An excellent book that focuses on developing the critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills kids will need to be successful and competitive.

Other books by Denise Gaskins!

countingandnumberbonds mathyoucanplay

Connect with Denise!
Website | Facebook | Twitter


P.S. Be sure to visit Denise’s website to download some FREE math printables you can start using right away.  Just click on the link and print!

 Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Your turn:  Do your kids enjoy math or do they dislike it?  Feel free to share in the comments.
