In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, very few of us were prepared for the challenge of keeping our kids busy and entertained while working from home. It definitely hasn’t hasn’t been easy in our household. Some days have been incredibly stressful and logistically challenging, but overall we’re coping and have adjusted to our new temporary routine and schedule.
Thankfully, several authors have created free resources to help us go through this unanticipated staycation. Our state recently announced schools will be closed for the rest of the school year, so we’ll be using lots of different resources like the ones mentioned below in the weeks and months ahead.
Below you’ll find a list of FREE printables, coloring sheets and activity sheets that feature diverse characters. I hope you find them to be helpful to you and your family.
Collage Fun at Home with Author/Illustrator Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Watch this fascinating video and have kids make their own collages! Vanessa Brantley – Newton Shares a collage project that adults and children can do together to pass the time. All you need is some scrap papers, crayons or magic markers or temper paint, scissors and glue.
Tiara’s Hat Parade
Author Kelly Starling Lyons has a variety of different printable resources for her latest book Tiara’s Hat Parade. There are coloring pages, a template for a paper doll and more!
Vashti Harrison
Author/illustrator Vashti Harrison invites little readers to create their own Little Leaders, match up Little Dreamers with this activity sheet, and make Little Legends paper dolls with her free printables. There is also a word search activity.
Sharee Miller
Author/illustrator Sharee Miller is offering the most adorable printables and activity sheets…all for FREE!
Princess Hair – This Princess has lost her hair. Help draw her hair under her crown and color her in!
Draw Your Own Princess – Stretch those creative muscles and draw your own princess (or prince).
5 Things I Love About My Hair – List 5 things you love about your hair.
Coloring Pages – A bundle of coloring pages featuring Black characters.
Janae Marks
In the mood for baking? Debut author Janae Marks who wrote From the Desk of Zoe Washington has a recipe for Froot Loop Cereal Cupcakes on her website. Download it here. She also has a music playlist which features all of the songs that appeared in the book.
Every Child a Reader
As an annual tradition of Children’s Book Week, esteemed children’s book illustrators are chosen to create bookmarks which celebrate children’s books and reading. This year, in keeping with the theme of Read. Dream. Share., seven artists have contributed their beautiful and inspiring artwork. These bookmarks are available to print and distribute to children, teens, and book lovers everywhere!
Download bookmarks and activities here from authors John Parra, Duncan Tonatiuh, Vanessa Brantley-Newton and more!

Your turn: What diverse and inclusive bookish resources have you used with your little readers or students. Should I add any additional resources to this list? Feel free to share in the comments so we can all learn.

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