Stacey’s Extraordinary Words by Stacey Abrams (A Book Review)

As a child, Stacey loved words. She loved to read, write, and say words aloud. Every time Stacey came across an unfamiliar word, she wrote it in her special Notebook of Extraordinary Words. Not only did Stacey enjoy learning new words, but she also learned at an early age that words were a gift that shouldn’t be used to hurt people.
After Stacey’s second grade teacher Mrs. Blakeslee noticed Stacey’s gift to spell words, she invited her to participate in the school spelling bee. At first Stacey is excited about the spelling bee, but her excitement quickly evaporates when she learns the school bully Jake would also be competing. Stacey is intimidated by Jake and isn’t looking forward to competing with him in the spelling bee.
Stacey studied all week long reviewing the words she wrote in her Notebook of Extraordinary Words. When the day of the competition arrives, her mother tells her to do her best and let’s her know how proud she and her father are of her.
Although Stacey places second in the spelling bee, she is a good sport as Jake receives his trophy and she gets a second place ribbon.
In the end, Stacey learns important lessons and remembers one of her favorite words: P-E-R-S-E-V-E-R-A-N-C-E.
I loved this story for many varied reasons: the adorable illustrations, the vocabulary words featured throughout, the overall story, and the lessons Stacey learned along the way.
Sometimes children don’t recognize the power of words. In fact, many adults don’t always recognize the power of words, right?
One of my favorite ways to demonstrate the power of positive words with my kids is to build an acronym of their first names.
Using a powerful word for each letter of their name is a fun exercise that the whole family could get involved in. The words you choose for each letter of their first name can allow children to reflect on the person they want to be…their character.
Stacey’s Extraordinary Words is available now wherever books are sold.