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7 Weeks of Summer Camp at Home for Kids!

The official start of summer is just a few weeks away…yikes!  Is the year already almost halfway over?  Many children look forward to an exciting summer camp they get to attend, but what if camp isn’t an option for your family? Perhaps money is tight and it’s not in your budget, your kids are too young, or they are not ready for longer periods away from home.  One solution is to design a summer camp experience at home, which can be affordable, fun, and easier than it sounds to pull off.

I’ve teamed up with 13 other amazing bloggers to bring you a 7-week series of “Summer Camp at Home”.  For the next 7 weeks we’ll be bringing you two different themes per week filled with different books to read, yummy snacks to eat/prepare and activities to do with your kids and tweens.


Let us be your virtual “camp counselors” and follow some of the summer activities, snack idesa or field trips that we suggest. Depending on the ages of your kids, some activities or recipes may require a little prep or materials, but they’re perfect for summer in that they’re 1) fun, 2) relatively easy, and 3) some are designed to get the kids outside so you can enjoy a little peace and quiet.

Although I think it’s important to have downtime and let kids be bored at times, having a list of suggested activities to do with your kids can be your secret weapon against boredom and a summer spent in front of a screen.  This summer camp series is designed to help you manage your time as a family as well as help the kids keep learning through the summer while having fun doing it.

Want to join us?  It’s simple!
For 7 weeks, we are going to develop fine motor skills, learn STEM basics, improve language and reading skills and sharpen social and leadership skills through imaginative play. Or if you look at it from the kids’ perspective, we are going to play and have so much fun this summer!  Best of all, we’ll be making memories that will last a lifetime.

Starting Monday May 30th, the first two blog posts will be rolled out with two new themes being released every week thereafter for the next 6 weeks.  Our goal is to post every Monday although due to holidays or circumstances outwith our control, the post may be delayed a day or two.  Fear not, once the post goes live it will be updated in the links below.  At the end of the series, you may also have access to all 7 weeks of activities in one place.  We’re still working on how this will be rolled out so please bear with us.  If we’re able to get it done we’ll figure out a way to make it available to those who want it.

Below are the 14 themes for this year’s 7 Week Summer Camp at Home Series. Please click on each link for all the ideas as each blog post goes live.  Be sure to check back each week to see the new ideas the next set of “camp counselors” suggest for the upcoming week ahead.

Week 1: Monday 5/30 – Self-Love ThemeOcean Theme 
Week 2: Monday 6/6 –  Saving Money ThemeGardening/Going Green Theme
Week 3: Monday 6/13 – Black History ThemeMusic Theme
Week 6: Monday 7/4 – Dinosaur ThemeCooking Theme
Week 7: Monday 7/11 – Astronomy Theme & Around the World Theme

We hope you enjoy this series as much as we enjoy putting it together!  Happy Camping!

Your turn: How will you and your kids be spending your summer?  Feel free to share in the comments.
